Sunday, February 24, 2013

Garlic Roasted Brussel Sprouts


15-16 brussel sprouts (give or take a few)
1 Tbs. Olive Oil
1 Garlic Clove, minced
Sea Salt and Pepper to taste


Pre heat oven to 375

Cut the stems off the Brussel sprouts. Peel off the first layer and discard. Cut the sprouts in half. (If some of the other leaves fall off as you are cutting them, do not throw them out. They get nice and crispy during baking).

Lay a piece of parchment paper over a cookie sheet and spread the Brussel sprouts out.

Sprinkle olive oil, sea salt, pepper and garlic over the sprouts. Toss them to cover the sprout evenly.

Place the sprouts so that they are flat side up.

Place them in the over for about 15-20 minutes or until they begin to brown.



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